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Braces Dental Centre - The Best Dental Clinic In Delhi & Dentist In South Delhi, India

Google Review of Braces Dental center Dr. Rakesh Verma is 4.9

Location: Lajpat Nagar, New Delhi

Hollywood Smile Designing

Hollywood Smile is a complete package which involves restoring teeth shape and positioning with least or no invasive procedures.

A small misguided information can do a big permanent damage.

The increasing demand and limited awareness among people to go for cosmetic dental makeovers overnight, has resulted in loss to many patients. Single visit cosmetic dental procedures like teeth whitening/ bleaching, laminates ,veneers, gum surgeries (gingivectomy) , enameloplasty/tooth shaping etc makes people feel good, and smile more often for no apparent reason at all., but knowing the after effects of these cosmetic procedures would definitely get you thinking…whether to smile for no reason for sometime or for lifetime!!

Smile designing or Smile Makeover is an art which involves much more than just to restore a tooth with cap or crown,Dental Laminates,veneers,teeth whitening,orthodontic braces etc.Science plays an important role. The size of laminates vary for every tooth and for every individual. It also depends on your face outlook ie. whether your face is round , oval , long ,short, whether you have short , long , wide or narrow teeth , rotated or tilted teeth, visibility of upper or lower teeth , lower front teeth hitting on the upper front teeth and causing wearing of lower front teeth etc.These are some of the ideal situations indicated for braces whereas laminates are more or less indicated only for permanent stains and other tooth surface irregularities like chalky enamel , fractured tooth etc.So,an Orthodontist , also called a Smile Architect , should be the first choice of consultation when it comes to any kind of smile makeover or smile designing.

Teeth Whitening:

Teeth whitening or teeth bleaching is a single visit dental procedure… but are you the right candidate when you are thinking of Smile designing?

Its important to know that most teeth whitening or bleaching effects last for just a couple of weeks and so one needs to repeat bleaching rather frequently. Also the teeth whitening achieved is less with every time. The most devastating fact is that frequent bleaching leaves the teeth sensitive and only brittle in the long run ie. they tend to turn rough,stain faster,chip off easily , fracture lines develop etc. Would you like to smile now?

With as many advanced techniques its only important that the right kind of teeth whitening be done for the right candidate .Ask an expert for a professional in-office tooth whitening system .The results in 100 % cases give a “wow” or “magic” effect . Teeth whitening achieved is 6-8 shades whiter when analysed on a shade guide and results may last upto 2 yrs , compared to conventional bleaching procedures and products available over the counter which last for a few weeks only and the whitening achieved is just a shade or two whiter !

Dental Laminates:

Dental Laminates essentially are a thin ceramic/porcelain covering for permanent yellow/brown stains eg flouride stains,chipped/fractured tooth, it’s a specialized and a conservative procedure.Again , are you the right candidate?

A Dental Laminate is a wonderful substitute for a cap/ crown. It requires about 75 % less cutting of your teeth as compared to a cap/crown. Technically it requires not more than 0.5 mm of tooth structure to be removed and only from the front surface of the tooth , whereas a tooth cap requires a minimum of 1.5 mm of tooth surface reduction from all sides of the tooth.

Also a tooth prepared for a tooth cap/crown mostly needs to undergo a ROOT CANAL TREATMENT (RCT), thereby leaving the tooth dead and devoid of nutrient supply through blood and hence making it weak with time .

The cost for caps and Dental Laminates are comparable but with the additional charges for unwanted Root Canal Treatment, in case of caps .So you end up paying more and gain less !

Orthodontic treatment:

Lets consider a common situation faced by many , a young girl who has spacing between her front teeth and is about to get married in 3-6 months. She wants a solution , but would mostly get to hear from her dentist that her age to get the space closed with orthodontic braces is over and even if it is done now it would take around a year for the results to show.

It’s a myth that adults cannot get orthodontic braces and that every case takes minimum a year for treatment.

Orthodontic treatment can be done at any age . Also with special types of braces used by us today, the treatment time has come down to just 3-4 months.There are other advanced technologies like Invisible/Lingual braces,Invisalign/Clear aligners and customized braces called as i-Braces or incognito lingual invisible braces which have made treatments possible for any one who wishes to keep it a secret i.e not letting the world know about one wearing braces.

Its important that the patient be wise in deciding whether have artificial caps with root canal treated teeth for life or to have natural teeth smiling for life.

And not to forget if we compare the orthodontic treatment cost, braces can cost 50% - 70% less than the laminates for any such case.

Gum Surgery:

Every one cannot be a candidate for this procedure as well.It may leave one’s teeth exposed unnecessarily if not diagnosed correctly.

Gum surgery is a vital procedure when it comes to Smile Designing.Various parameters like tooth xray,tooth size,toothshape,tooth position,tooth visibility while talking,at rest and smiling etc and their consideration in relation to face whether face is round,oval,long etc help in planning gum surgery.Just 1 mm deviation while doing the Gum surgery can make vast difference as every tooth has its own gum line,shape,height etc.So gum surgery should be performed by an expert.

Enameloplasty or Teeth shaping :

Cosmetic dentists can correct minor defects in the shape and appearance of a tooth through a process referred to as tooth enamel contouring or tooth shaping.

This smile makeover procedure, again involves much expertise like any other procedure and like gum surgery,even a .5 mm can make major difference.

So analyse your smile yourself first and then consult with a cosmetic dentist or an orthodontist .


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